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Grin and Bear It (1)

August 30, 2010

Sometimes you’re just going to have to suck it up and smile.  The music business is notorious for being the home of assholes and douche-bags and unfortunately, you might have to bite your tongue on occasion to keep up good relationships and contacts.  You are welcome to think whatever you want in your head, but bite your tongue until it bleeds if you have to.  You really want people to like you, not only as a musician, but as a person (so they know you’re easy to work with), so you can’t go flying off the handle anytime someone rubs you the wrong way.  You are in no position to give someone a piece of your mind especially if that person is in a position to help you.

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  1. Amelia permalink
    September 2, 2010 7:43 am

    I definitely think it is good to keep up a good relationship with people and places while getting started in your career. However, I think something needs to be said for principles, ethics, and values. You might have to “grin and bear it” when dealing with crappy equipment or less than adequate performance space, but you should not stand by and while someone takes advantage of you. Depending on the situation, those “assholes and douche-bags” should be walked away from. If someone wants something besides your musical presence in their venue, i.e. sexual favors, then it might be time to walk away. Never let someone take advantage of your talent, or willingness to play anywhere. Everyone’s limits are different, but it is important to know when to smile and act nice, and when to get the hell out!

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